Knocking Out Defenses Means They Don’t Get Up!

The Executor of the estate of a man who owned a mixed-use building in Brooklyn sold it to someone for $700,000. As part of the sale, the Executor agreed to take back two mortgages on the property from the buyer in favor of the decedent’s wife, the beneficiary of the estate.

The buyer (and now building’s owner) defaulted on the mortgages by failing to make payments on them to the beneficiary/lender. At that point, the mortgagee turned to Richard A. Klass, Your Court Street Lawyer, for legal assistance to commence foreclosure proceedings on the two mortgages against the buyer.

Once the foreclosure proceeding was brought, the buyer served its “Answer with Affirmative Defenses and Counterclaim.” In general terms, an “affirmative defense” is the legal term for when the defendant in a lawsuit puts forth the reason he is not liable to the plaintiff.

The First Affirmative Defense was that the Summons and Complaint were not properly served upon the defendant according to law, so the court lacked jurisdiction over the person. The Second Affirmative Defense and the Counterclaim alleged that the buyer was coerced into buying the property, having known the decedent and his family for 15 years. The defendant claimed that the conditions of the premises were concealed from it by the plaintiff and it did not have an opportunity to inspect the premises prior to the sale. As a result, the defendant claimed that there exists a defective foundation and water seepage into the basement.

Strike First!

Both federal and state court procedural rules allow for parties to a lawsuit to make requests of the judge to deal swiftly with certain claims or defenses of a litigant. These requests are called “Pre-Answer Motions to Dismiss.” In essence, the party is claiming that the claim or defense has no legal merit whatsoever for a number of reasons and, therefore, that matter should not even proceed forward in the case.

Upon receipt of the Answer with Affirmative Defenses and Counterclaim, Your Court Street Lawyer brought a Pre-Answer Motion to Dismiss the defenses of the defendant (buyer of the building). This Motion challenged the legitimacy of these defenses.

Good service of process:

Attached to the motion papers was a copy of the Affidavit of Service of the Summons and Complaint upon the defendant from a licensed process server. New York law has traditionally held that a process server’s affidavit ordinarily constitutes “prima facie” [at first sight] evidence of proper service. National Heritage Life Insurance Company v. T.J. Properties Co., 286 AD2d 715 [2 Dept. 2001]. A defendant can rebut the process server’s affidavit with a ‘detailed and specific contradiction of the allegations in the process server’s affidavit’ sufficient to create a question of fact warranting a traverse hearing (citing to Bankers Trust Co. of California v. Tsoukas, 303 AD2d 343 [2 Dept. 2003]). However, in this case, the defendant did not deny the process server’s allegations in an affidavit, but only in the attorney’s affirmation (which has no evidentiary value). Also, the defendant failed to timely move to dismiss the case within the 60-day period in which a defendant must move to dismiss on this ground (see, Civil Practice Law and Rules Section 3211(e).

No concealment charges against the Mortgagee:

The mortgagee asked the Judge to dismiss the Second Affirmative Defense and Counterclaim that the buyer was not given the opportunity to inspect the premises before purchase, and thus, should not have to pay the mortgages. The building was sold by the executor of the estate of the deceased person but the mortgages delivered at the closing were in favor of another family member, the beneficiary of the property under the Last Will and Testament.

Using the pre-Answer Motion to Dismiss, the mortgagee pointed out to the judge that the defenses were not permitted because they were directed against the estate, as opposed to the beneficiary of the property. Thus, under Civil Practice Law and Rules Section 3211(a)(6), the claim could not be maintained even though in the form of a counterclaim because it could not properly be asserted against the beneficiary. The Judge noted that the buyer did not join the seller of the property (the estate) as a party and could not bring the claims it was claiming in its defense.

In granting the plaintiff’s motion to dismiss, the Judge held that the defenses and counterclaim of the defendant should be properly dismissed. Kodsi v. 115 Bay Ridge Ave. LLC, Sup. Ct., Kings Co. Index No. 33740/2008, 6/28/2010.

It is very important that, upon receiving an Answer to a lawsuit from a defendant, the plaintiff immediately review the Answer to determine the nature of any defenses and counterclaims, as well as decide whether to ask the judge to “knock ‘em out” right away instead of waiting until trial.

by Richard A. Klass, Esq.
“Your Court Street Lawyer”

R. A. Klass
Your Court Street Lawyer

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Bringing an Action for Specific Performance of a Real Estate Contract of Sale

Typically, the sale of real estate involves the signing of a contract of sale between the owner of the real estate and the prospective buyer for a certain dollar amount. Each side is eager to close the transaction — the seller wants the money from the closing to purchase another property and the buyer wants to move into the house.

Sometimes, the seller/owner of the real estate attempts to delay or cancel the contract of sale for various reasons, including that another party has come along offering more money to purchase the property than the contract price. The buyer is put into a position of bringing an action to enforce his/her rights under the contract of sale to purchase the property.

The right of the prospective buyer to bring an action for “specific performance” is an important one, which is based upon an old, “common law” theory that real estate is considered a “unique asset,” for which a money judgment against the seller for breach of contract cannot recompense. The courts recognize that a certain piece of real estate cannot be replicated or replaced with another or with money.

The action to force the sale of real estate based upon a breach of contract starts with the filing of a Complaint with the Supreme Court in the county in which the property is located. At or about the same time, the buyer will file a “Notice of Pendency” with the County Clerk. The “Notice of Pendency” or, as commonly known as the “Lis Pendens,” is a document which serves as notice to the entire world that the buyer is laying an equitable claim to the ownership of the property and that an action is pending to determine the buyer’s potential ownership rights therein. Any person who later contracts to purchase the property is effectively “on notice” of the buyer’s claim and is taking substantial risk in proceeding in any transaction with the seller/owner of the real estate.

After the action is filed, the seller will have an opportunity to answer the Complaint. Then, typically, one of the parties will move for “summary judgment,” asking the judge to decide whether there was a breach of the contract of sale and whether the buyer is indeed entitled to the specific performance of the contract of sale. If the judge decides that the buyer is entitled to purchase the property, then the judge will issue an Order directing the seller/owner to proceed to closing and tender a Deed to the buyer.

It is important for the prospective buyer to move quickly to file the Notice of Pendency when it appears that a breach of the contract of sale has or will occur, in order to ensure that there is constructive notice of the action for specific performance; otherwise, the buyer, albeit entitled to money damages, will no longer have the right to the property.

by Richard A. Klass, Esq.

copyr. 2004 and 2010 Richard A. Klass, Esq.
The firm’s website:
Richard A. Klass, Esq., maintains a law firm engaged in civil litigation at 16 Court Street, 28th Floor, Brooklyn Heights, New York.
He may be reached at (718) COURT-ST or e-ml to RichKlass@courtstreetlaw.comcreate new email with any questions.
Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome.

License Information

Bringing an Action for Specific Performance of a Real Estate Contract of Sale by Richard A. Klass, Esq. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. For permissions beyond the scope of this license, please contact Mr. Klass. Insert the words “reprint permission request” in the subject line of the email.

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Article Title:
Bringing an Action for Specific Performance of a Real Estate Contract of Sale

Author Name:
Richard A. Klass, Esq.

Word Count:
481 words


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About the Author:
Richard A. Klass, Esq. maintains a law firm engaged in civil litigation at 16 Court Street, 28th Floor, Brooklyn Heights, New York. He may be reached by phone at (718) COURT-ST [(718) 268-7878)] with any questions. Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome.

Additional articles by Mr. Klass may be found on the firm’s website.
Back issues from Mr. Klass’ quarterly newsletter, Law CURRENTS are available on the firm’s website.
Articles from Law CURRENTS may be available for reprint. Please see individual articles for license information.


R. A. Klass
Your Court Street Lawyer

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Announcing a Special Public Seminar on Bankruptcy

Bankruptcy Basics: a primer for the public
Moderated by Richard A. Klass

October 19, 2010
6 – 8 pm

Brooklyn Bar Association Meeting Hall
123 Remsen Street, Brooklyn Heights, New York

Topics will include:

  1. Overview of the Bankruptcy Process
  2. Differences between Chapter 7 (Liquidation) and Chapter 13 (Reorganization)
  3. What to Expect at the Meeting of Creditors
  4. The Automatic Stay: the Bankruptcy Law’s “Stop Sign”
  5. Discharging Debts (and what is not dischargeable)
  6. Questions and Answers

Richard A. Klass

Hon. Elizabeth S. Stong
U.S. Bankruptcy Court, Eastern District of New York

David J. Doyaga, Sr.
Doyaga & Schaefer

Mary Fox
Pro Se Bankruptcy Law Clerk
U.S. Bankruptcy Court, Eastern District of New York

Light refreshments will be served.

To reserve a seat and for more information,
please contact:
Avery Eli Okin, Esq., CAE
E-mail: aokin@brooklynbar.orgcreate new email
Phone: (718) 624-0675

By Subway:
2, 3, 4 or 5 to Borough Hall
A, C or F to Jay Street
M or R to Court Street

This program is a joint presentation of:
The Brooklyn Bar Association, The Brooklyn Bar Association Foundation, Inc., The Brooklyn Bar Association Volunteer Lawyers Project, Inc., and the Brooklyn Bar Association Lawyer Referral Service.

This program does not provide CLE credit.

copyr. 2010 Richard A. Klass, Esq.
The firm’s website:
Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome.

Richard A. Klass, Esq., maintains a law firm engaged in civil litigation at 16 Court Street, 28th Floor, Brooklyn Heights, New York.
He may be reached at (718) COURT-ST or e-ml to with any questions.
Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome.

The Significance of “ECF” [Electronic Case Filing] in the Courts

The above headline seems a strange topic for this blog. It does not address a particular area of law, or seem to relate to most people other than lawyers. However, this is not so, and is an important development of which the general public should be aware.

Only until a couple of years ago, the “modus operandi” of various activities relating to a court case, ranging from filing the initial papers to researching archived files, was to make a trip to the actual courthouse. That traditional courthouse is rapidly being replaced with the “virtual” courthouse.

The general process is that documents are uploaded from an attorney’s computer (typically in “Adobe” format) to the court’s server for electronic filing. Once uploaded, the file becomes a part of the court’s case file. The court also provides a manner in which people who either do not have a computer or do not have internet access can either deliver a diskette to the clerk or scan documents into terminals at the courthouse.

For security purposes, each attorney is given a password to permit access. That access password must be protected, as it is treated the same as an attorney’s signature.

In 2003, when I first wrote this article, Electronic Case Filing had begun to be used as the only method filing in several New York area courts, including the Bankruptcy Courts, the federal District Courts, and a pilot project in a couple of New York State Supreme Courts.

ECF has significant benefits for various interested parties:

  1. The courthouse eliminates almost all paper storage of files, along with court personnel associated with file handling.
  2. Files or papers will not be lost, misplaced, or destroyed; unfortunately, these problems have been routine occurrences.
  3. Attorney and non-attorney filers are able to file documents at any time, even when the courthouse is closed.
  4. The public is able to view any filed document in an electronic case file at any time and from any place.
  5. Judges are able to easily review documents.

The ability to view documents online from anywhere is probably the most important part of the ECF evolution. The instantaneous viewing of documents can be a tremendous advantage in making decisions. For instance, the viewing of a debtor’s bankruptcy petition online moments after it is filed can afford a creditor sufficient time to determine whether to discharge or whether its claim has been properly listed. Further, the creditor may obtain information on property co-owned by the debtor with a non-filing party. Another example is that ECF access provides the opportunity to verify information given by a credit applicant.

by Richard A. Klass, Esq.

copyr. 2003 and 2010 Richard A. Klass, Esq.
The firm’s website:

Richard A. Klass, Esq., maintains a law firm engaged in civil litigation at 16 Court Street, 28th Floor, Brooklyn Heights, New York.
He may be reached at (718) COURT-ST or e-ml to with any questions.
Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome.